Saturday, October 4, 2014
2014 Walk to Cure Diabetes
Friday, July 4, 2014
Perspective Change
Friday, November 15, 2013
Promise Ball 2013: Rock Lobster and $2.4 Million for JDRF
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Sam's Friends 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Life Rocks and So Does Bret Michaels
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Safe, Maybe
The gummy smile of the late eight year old Martin Richard is imprinted on my mind as the face of tragedy that the events of the Boston Marathon put into motion on Monday. My eight year old boy is missing all his top teeth too. Three in a row. I have been very conscious of this moment in time – a second really – that passes as a smile fills in and they start to look less like juvenile vampires and more like big boys. This moment when they can understand many grown-up things but they aren’t entirely sure whether a fairy collects their teeth in the night, if they might be magical and their Hogwarts letter is on its way, or if Mount Olympus is presently located on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building. They believe in possibility. They believe in us. They wrongly believe that we can keep them safe.
Having a child with Diabetes, some part of me is thinking about my children's safety all day, every day. But lately there have been so many high profile tragic incidents that have caught my and my children's attention that it's become a topic for discussion. In particular, that I can't guarantee that bad things won't happen.
Are you telling me that villians are real?This ongoing conversation began in earnest two years ago, when Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed Sam and Talia quickly picked up on the buzz of conversation around them. They wanted to know why people were happy that someone had been killed. I decided to be honest with them even though they were only four and six at the time. As New Yorkers, they frequently walk by the huge construction site where the Twin Towers stood, and where the new One World Trade Center is rising. It is a part of the legacy they will grow up with. They were quite taken with superheroes at the time and I explained that Osama Bin Laden was a villain behind a terrible attack on the buildings that caused them to collapse. Sam asked, “Did anyone die?” and when I responded, “yes” he asked me, “how many people?” “Three thousand” I said and waited for their response. He shook his head in understanding. Talia, after a few minutes looked at me incredulous and said, “Are you telling me that VILLIANS are REAL?” Yes, sadly I am. They are real and even when they die more arrive to take their place.
It gives me hope that the possibility that human beings can be bad continues to be a leap of the imagination for my child (a lucky child to be fair).
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
1st Place in the Un-Marathon
In light of the tragic losses related to Hurricane Sandy, Jon and I completely support the decision not to hold the 2012 ING Marathon. After months of training and a feeling of obligation to all of those who supported our JDRF fundraising efforts for the race, a sense of personal obligation, and above all a need to fulfill his obligation to Sam and Talia, Jon ran his own 26.2 mile loop in Central Park on November 4th. We cheered for him and thousands of other New Yorkers running for charity or other reasons that needed fulfillment. Sam presented him with a handmade medal at the finish line and Talia made a plaque that said, "Go Dad, Go. You did it! You ran the marathon." Congratulations, Jon.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Speech to JDRF Researchers and Scientists
Good morning. Thank you for inviting me here to speak to you today. My name is Rachel Dickinson. My son’s name is Sam. Sam. You are connected to Sam. Sam is connected to you. You are so important to Sam and to me that it seems strange that we have never met and may never meet again given how much I want for you to succeed.
There is a children’s book by Leo Leoni called Frederick about a mouse that doesn’t seem very busy as the other mice prepare for winter. As they gather food, supplies, and so forth Fredrick gathers up the warmth, colors and sounds of the waning summer. Eventually, their stores run dry and the mice turn to Frederick to share his supplies. It is cold and grey and the mice are hungry. Frederick uses his memory to make stories that sustain them until the spring. Maybe you can put Sam’s story away for a time when you need it in the future in case your stores ever run dry about why you do what you do and how much it means to everyone affected by Type 1 diabetes.
I have two young children. Each day, I see new traits in them that are familiar in various ways. The determination in my daughter’s blue-grey eyes the exact same color as my husband’s. The way my son walks down the street with Harry Potter in front of his nose tripping over roots because he is happily lost inside of a book – it's me in second grade. Long eyelashes that scrape the insides of sunglasses, a love of nature, a wedged pinky toe, a sense of humor, a talent for puzzles or music – these are some of things that make these particular kids mine. These are the familiar things that make us family.
Diabetes was always familiar to me. My mother has had diabetes since I was a child. Her brother, who suffered terrible complications including being a double amputee at the end of his life – the end being in his early fifties – had diabetes. Various grandparents acquired type 2 later in life. Still, nothing could prepare me for the diagnosis I received on October 23rd 2006, Sam had diabetes. He was 21 months old. I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter, Talia.
Could I have prevented this? Was it related to the coxsackie virus he had had a few weeks earlier? Which toy did I let him put in his mouth that caused the virus that ultimately provoked this reaction in his pancreas? It’s a joy to take credit for a child’s wonderful traits, but my smart, beautiful, happy boy had obviously inherited this from us too. Will Talia get diabetes? Or the children’s cousins? I don’t know, but maybe one day you will. Talia asked us once as she was getting her annual blood draw as part of the Trigr study for siblings “when she will get diabetes” and will we be as worried.
JDRF is an amazing entity and has done so much for us personally and for our community. I have a friend whose daughter has a very rare syndrome – maybe a thousand kids in the world have this chromosomal abnormality – and she started a foundation and they just received their first 50K grant. They started a walk in honor of their daughter Sydney – one family, maybe $100k to date. Hope for a thousand families, but really it puts into perspective what it means to have this kind of infrastructure at work toward a cure. JDRF has spent $1.6 billion to date. How much will it cost? Will I still be doing the Walk to Cure Diabetes in 20 years? Going to the 60th Promise Ball? Lobbying the FDA? I expect so, but I hope not. What does a cure look like? For me, it looks like less worry. Less testing in the middle of the night, less disruptions in the classroom. Less time for Sam feeling badly from being high or low (although you’d never know it because he never complains). Less chance of devastating complications. Prevent? I can’t prevent it for Sam but maybe for Talia or for their children. Treat? Absolutely anything and everything that moves this ball forward to make life easier for Sam gets my support. The new test strips that suck up the tiniest bit of blood? Bravo. Wireless insulin pump (which by the way my mother was also on until she recently turned 65 and medicare coding has determined isn’t a real insulin pump because it’s not a durable medical good based on the disposable pods) great. Connect the pump to the CGM even better, and artificial pancreas even better than that. Reversal? You know better than me if we can re-engineer the immune system but if you think it’s possible I’ll walk for you. Every donation we get – all of the kids friends – preschoolers and kindergartners walking 3 miles on September 30th – they are doing it so you can help Sam live a long life – maybe even one day free of diabetes. This connection between you and Sam is strong.
Our family has a blog about our experience living with diabetes and I wanted to close by reading a post that my husband wrote that seems like a good fit for this team. It’s about insulin and developments in research. And it’s about us. It’s called “Important” - here it is:
A good friend and colleague recently lent me a book titled, “Breakthrough—Elizabeth Hughes, the Discovery of Insulin, and the Making of a Medical Miracle.” I’m only about 20 pages in to it, managing only a few pages a day as I ride the subway (and oddly holding the book up to show off its cover—subconsciously hoping that others will see and somehow understand why I’m reading this book). As its title connotes, this book chronicles the discovery of insulin as a treatment for type 1 diabetes. In 1919, diabetes was a terminal illness, with most patients surviving no longer than a year after diagnosis. A fascinating story awaits me, one that is deeply personal, as my son Sam is alive today only because of the incredible medical advances made less than 100 years ago. When I arrived home tonight I found a familiar package waiting—one we receive every three months. As I opened this package I was immediately struck by a recent labeling change to its contents. A white, padded, insulated envelope now said, in white letters inside an orange circle,
I was immediately taken aback—how to read this? Is it missing critical punctuation, so that I might read it, “IMPORTANT—INSULIN ENCLOSED,” or, as written, “IMPORTANT INSULIN ENCLOSED.” Is it important that there is insulin enclosed, or is the insulin enclosed important? In 91 years we’ve advanced to a world where this life-sustaining hormone arrives at our door every three months. In a contemplative mood, I examined the package a bit more. “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE” is a common warning, but means so much more in this context. “REFRIGERATE IMMEDIATELY” wouldn’t have been possible in 1919, nor would “UPS NEXT DAY AIR.” This package was addressed to “SAMUEL DICKINSON, C/O FATHER JONATHAN DICKINSON.” I know this means the package is for Sam, to be cared for by me, but I could only read it one way—“Samuel Dickinson is in the care of his father, Jonathan Dickinson.” It’s incredible that in less than a century we’ve transitioned from diabetes being a terminal illness to where Sam’s life is possible due to something that arrives in a cooler bag by next day air. It is essential. It is, to many, a miracle. It is, quite simply, important.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Jon is Running the NYC Marathon to Raise Money for Critical Research
Click here to sponsor him:
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thank You to All who supported the 2012 Walk to Cure Diabetes
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Little Ninja Big Destiny: Going for Gold in the Race for True Potential
“You know Mommy, I haven’t unlocked my full potential yet” Sam said to me recently from a sea of LEGOs on the living room floor. Brick by brick, tiny ships with air, land, sea and war capabilities were revealing themselves as we talked. “Well, luckily you know it’s there. If you want to, you have the heart and mind to reach it,” I said.
The comment struck me as a strange thing for a seven year old to say and set me thinking about where he would get the idea that he had potential to unlock. Did I impose this awareness on him? Was it driven by a feeling of security and competency that his future holds a version of himself that is more than what he sees himself as now, or is it driven by a feeling of inadequacy that one day in the future he will be able to accomplish things currently beyond his grasp like catching a fly ball or reaching the pedals of the Batmobile?
The gravity of my responsibility to help him keep that treasured potential in tact for as long as possible is not lost on me. As destiny calls from every which way, my window for making choices is waning and theirs is growing. The butterfly effect of everything that goes in – family, school, friends, environment, culture – exposes them to new trajectories. I can’t begin to imagine what “full potential” looks like for Sam or for Talia. Even if I could, the only picture that matters is the one they will believe in for themselves.
When Sam was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 20 months old, we told ourselves that we were going to raise him to be who he would have been anyway whatever that means. In retrospect, I know that’s not possible. Some doors are closed. Sam can’t fly a plane or join the military (not that bad). Sam can’t scuba dive (kind of bad). Sam can’t live without insulin (bad, but getting better as technology improves). These are boundaries, but not limits. What can Sam do? Maybe he will grow up to be more than he would have been if the diagnosis had never happened. Maybe we all will.
What is it to have potential anyway? I’ve always taken it really hard when the kids bring a seed home and it doesn’t grow after they water it (sort of) diligently. Generally defined as a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed, I’ve been thinking about this lately with the London 2012 Olympics approaching. Watching the trials, I was riveted by the victory and the heartbreak. All the athletes at the trials were truly champions (and not in the everybody gets an AYSO trophy way). They had spent years training for this moment. Sportsmanship, composure, effort, and for some, the heart to have to wait four years to try again, are a part of reaching this level of achievement.
This year there is more promotion than ever of the Paralympic Games and even an athlete from South Africa who is a double amputee competing in the regular games. No doubt this is due in part to the number of military veterans participating in the games which has increased from 34 to 51 percent in the past two years. It’s true that these elite athletes find new hope through serving their country as Olympians, but glimpsing their true potential for even a moment, a 100 yard dash that might once have seemed like a million yards lifts us all. Those hundred yards, to use a quote from The Little Prince, that is a matter of consequence.
After we left Governors Island, we realized that we had left Talia’s beloved Hello Kitty behind on the grass. She was sad and I was sad for her. The next day, there was an unprecedented thunderstorm. Talia ran to me after the first thunder beside herself that Hello Kitty was alone in the rain on the island. Sam immediately came out with, “Talia, Hello Kitty is in a mail truck on her way home” and looks at me imploring me to agree. He completely took control of the situation (despite having used some critical ninja deception for tactical purposes). Helplessly, I confirmed his statement and resolved to try to find a doppelganger HK on the internet.
This small kindness is one among many that I have seen Sam give to his sister. The shoe incident described above is another. He is a good sport (even about his health challenges) and works to make sure that everyone around him rolls with the punches in the face of all the noise and chaos that surrounds us. At a recent street fair, while Sam was perusing a table of vintage superheroes, Talia threw up pink lemonade all over several of the exact same repulsive fork-tongued, serpentine villains. In an awkward panic as Wayne and Garth stared at me to see what I was going to do about the fact that my kid had just puked on their merchandise, I bought the whole lot. Talia looked at the serpent beasts that she now owned with disgust (even after I had cleaned it up) when Sam says, “Talia this army is the rarest of rare.” If you know Talia, she is very attracted to the rarest of rare. She stopped crying and they started playing a game where any less than four of the cloned reptile wouldn’t have been as much fun. It’s a small thing but these little shifts that he is capable of making in our family’s little universe - these new trajectories - make me think that Sam’s exceptional power or “golden weapon” is mastery of himself and his environment. The obstacle to his hero journey will be to carry this treasure – in tact – as he and his world become more complex.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Double Dose of Rock Star
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Promise Ball at Cipriani Wall Street, New JDRF Video Featuring Sam Released
On November 17th, JDRF hosted the 39th annual Promise Ball at Cipriani Wall Street. True to the promise I made last year, I allowed Talia, now age four to attend her first gala. She was so proud to be a part of the night and took great care in putting on her pearls and polished shoes. Sam's best accessory is always his smile whether in a tuxedo or a peanut butter covered T-shirt, but both kids looked adorable and it was a very special night.
Sam and Ron Darling during Fund-a-Cure |
Click here to view the video
Thursday, October 13, 2011
TKO for Diabetes
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Pushing the Limit
A few weeks ago, Jon and I decided to take to the sea with Sam and Talia (now aged six and four) on a 35 foot sailboat off the coast of Maine. This idea inspired a variety of reactions from friends and family. Most opinions centered somewhere between concern over our sailing prowess (which thankfully is better than you might think), disbelief that “camping” on the water with children could be fun, and my personal favorite: “that’s not crazy – that’s completely, totally, bat shit crazy.” I knew that certain elements of the trip would push the limit, but I wasn’t sure where the limit was so it was hard to worry too much about it. Armed with five vials of insulin, three loaves of gluten-free bread, and a satellite phone, the four of us set off from Southwest Harbor in search of adventure.
The idea of being alone and “off the grid” can be both frightening and exhilarating. Obviously the fact that Sam has diabetes added a layer of complexity to our preparations for this trip. The possibility of an emergency is omnipresent and in this environment we had to accept that we might have to manage one on our own. My cell phone and blackberry had limited service from the moment we left the dock. After a day, we acclimated to the cadence of being on the water and I stopped checking to see if I had service. I was comfortable that we had the boat radio, the satellite phone and most importantly the proper supplies (glucagon) for a diabetic emergency. When I think back five years to the fact that I was afraid to leave the hospital in New York City after Sam was diagnosed with diabetes – afraid that I would be unable to keep him alive – I am amazed at how far we have come.
I was relieved after we successfully picked up a mooring at Little Cranberry. It had been more than seven years since we chartered a boat (and never with our children), and I felt that if we approached each small challenge individually the trip would be a success. Through the dense fog, I could see a single light on the dock marking the restaurant where dinner was waiting. The only thing separating us was a few hundred yards of harbor and the task of getting the kids off of the boat we had just secured, putting them in an eight foot inflatable dinghy in the dark, and going ashore. Jon started the engine. I passed the kids down to him, hopped in and released the line that had us secured to the boat. And then the engine died. We were slowly moving away from land on the dinghy and our sailboat was fading into the fog and darkness. Jon picked up the oars that were in the bottom of the little boat for this purpose, rowed us back to our sailboat where we tied on and figured out what was wrong with the engine. Once it was humming consistently, we went ashore.
The fog gave us the same view from land that we had seen from the water of the single bright light on the dock. I focused on the kids, and the fact that they trust us so completely. They believe that we will keep them warm, safe and dry. Even when they were wet, cold, and drifting rudderless through the ocean at night they still seemed to trust us.
We ordered lemonades, declined
The next morning, the wind was blowing like crazy. The halyards were banging against the mast and the kids ate breakfast down below while we readied the boat. It was a fairly long haul in choppy seas to our next port. This was the only day the kids didn’t feel well – particularly Sam. Talia fell asleep immediately upon encountering the swells – she is a professional at powering down in difficult situations. Sam worked through it and spent his time looking for bald eagles (which we were lucky enough to see several of).
After a breakfast of gluten-free pancakes on the boat, we went on an early morning hike to pick wild blueberries in the woods.
The days continued like this – surrounded by incredible beauty, filled with the emotion of really being able to see each other, and interrupted periodically by challenge.
The parallel with our everyday life was magnified out on the boat. Some days are all challenge dotted with moments of beauty and other days are the opposite. Conditions change in an instant and while it’s imperative to have the right supplies it’s equally critical to be able to navigate through the fear and doubt and “manage” the daily “emergencies” as they arise. The fact that I am actually a professional emergency manager for work is ironically not an advantage. Quite the opposite actually as my risk index is pretty tuned to all of the things that could go awry on any given day. I can imagine the "job" coming over the radio: We have a confirmed confined space rescue: Two parents are locked in a boat head over marshmallow dispute. The suspects are both three feet tall with sticky fingers...
We definitely took calculated risks on this adventure and pushed the kids pretty hard. We didn’t find their limit. By the end, the kids were driving the inflatable dinghy.
For a moment, the four of us were the only people in the world – without limits, without fear, but always with a juice box.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Four Generations Walk to Cure Diabetes

This year the shirts had a star wars theme and text started out with "It is a period of great scientific discovery..." and it is. The backs of the shirts always say, I am walking for Sam Dickinson, Age X and then we make one for Sam that says, "I am Sam." People say, "go Sam" as he passes. This year, we made Talia a special shirt with a picture of Princess Leah and the words, "I am Talia and I am walking for my brother." Go Talia... May the force be with you both.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Book Review: Rabbit Hole for Rent and Other Allegorical Tales
Seeking out the novel and the alien in a world that is designed around routine and obligation isn’t easy. There are fewer hours for getting lost, less proximate unexplored spaces, and more empirical evidence that I may not actually have any superpowers. This last bit of self reflection may seem irrelevant to a love of getting lost, but across a lifetime, my belief that I could always find my way home – even defy laws of physics and tamper with fate--made it easier to disappear. I also happen to know how to read a map.
As a kid, my dreams were always geocoded to the same location. The world of my nighttime adventures was debatable, ethereal, and fantastic. As I walked alone on the silver pavement, the concrete would turn into a sundrenched stream, the city would fade away and I would be left standing with wet feet in an unfamiliar landscape. This never scared me. I wished for it. I expected it. I still expect it and I know there are other adults out there that expect it too.
The reason that I believe in this possibility is because I was introduced to science fiction before I had a firm grasp on the limits of reality. Like a heart that has never been broken, imagination space free of imprint was first marked by the backdrops and characters of beautiful, but terrifying places. These were places riddled with conflict, and it was here that I first learned about the truly wicked ways creatures can treat each other, and their worlds. Children are well-equipped to become citizens of imaginary lands - shaped by the cultural identity of places like Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars (a.k.a. Barsoom) and C.S. Lewis’ Narnia –where violence and warfare are an inescapable part of being on the side of right. In these places, I witnessed the customs and traditions of people concerned with harnessing the scarce resources of their world for survival and made peace with the art of war.
Each night as I read stories with a flashlight under my covers I wondered if tonight might be the night I would fall down the rabbit hole into the lands beyond expectation. I was ready to be pressed into service to save a dying planet or to restore the earth’s equilibrium. Empty wardrobes, bricked in alleys, and unclaimed spaces where a child might hide – or better where they might seek, and find a world that would reveal their true identity -- were passages. Marked by beacons that only the initiated might see, these roads alluded to the promise of heroic work. Side of right jobs are difficult to come by and it’s a gift not to have to look elsewhere to create meaning in one’s life. I wanted one.
While waiting for my offer, I was expected to get an education so I built my ability to recognize danger and create alliances. I studied aesthetics – literally the examination of different ways of seeing and perceiving the world, hoping that I wouldn’t miss the beauty disguised all around me. And then there was this thing about the maps. I studied planning, but it was my informal work in this discipline that has a direct correlation to the superhero waitlist. I meticulously catalogued and memorized tactical terrain. The visual geography of moss-covered dead-sea bottoms, extensive canals and the inhospitable frontier that separates the deserts and cities of Barsoom is as clear to me as any landscape on Earth. The in-between spaces – unnamed, unremarkable and on the way to somewhere else – are the ones that determine the way home and tell the story of whether one arrives at their destination.
With time though, the real estate of imagination gets cluttered with the rights and responsibilities of the perceptible world. I didn’t quite fall down the rabbit hole (unless you count the time my infant son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes), but I have heroically found my way back from dark places. My side of right job at the moment (when I am not managing emergencies in NYC)is reading the Phantom Tollbooth to my children as frequently as they can stand and making sure they study the landscape between the marked foothills of confusion and the great city of Dictionopolis. My heart sings when my children try to conduct the sunset or demand that we call a wizard when a task exceeds our mere human abilities.
I dutifully got a day job too, but my predilection for mythical creatures, righteous warfare, cartography, and being unexpectedly thrust from reality into another time/space continuum is still there. Like an avatar waiting for my return, the girl standing with wet feet in an unfamiliar landscape waits.
I am not sure I want to know if she's real or worse, if she isn't. In this hyper-networked world where do any of us live really? From the rabbit hole to the wardrobe to the imagined geography of all of the places I’ve never been, the who and what and where of becoming a citizen of a place has changed. In our dissolving hearts, minds, and countries? In the boundaries? It’s the space between us that is most notable – the last great wilderness.
Required Reading:
The Phantom Tollbooth; A Princess of Mars; Alice in Wonderland; The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe; Le Petite Prince; A Wrinkle in Time; The Secret Garden
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sam Gets to the Point on NY Nightly News with Chuck Scarborough
Click below to view on NBC's site as the above video cuts off the far right of the screen:
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Children's Congress

Spending three days with 150 families that live with Type 1 Diabetes was a unique and inspiring experience. There are no strangers among parents that are all awake at midnight, three and six AM each night or children that share the experience of pricking their fingers ten times per day and are tethered to their insulin pumps at all times. The kids had a great time together and Sam made a friend named Emily, (age four) that he spent most of the time with. I was struck by the poise of some of the older delegates and I know that Sam is developing that quality already as an advocate and as a human being.

My favorite photo though is the one of Talia at the top of this post with all the younger delegates who somehow manages to not only be included, but to be at the center of it all. Crystal Bowersox (pictured with Sam and the other New York delegates) of American Idol wrote an original song called "Promise to Remember Me" that the kids performed on the steps of the Capitol. You can see the moving performance and some highlights from CC11 below:
Monday, May 16, 2011
SCD Goes to Washington
Sam will be going to Washington, DC as a delegate from NYC to JDRF's 2011 Children's Congress. 150 Children from around the country have been chosen to remind Congress and the Administration of the need to support research towards better treatments and a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. The young advocates will meet with legislators and participate in a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill. Please view Sammy's delegate video to learn more.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The results are in: Sam's diagnosis of Celiac Disease back in September transformed everything about the way our family manages food. After four months of living gluten-free, we have figured out how to cook anything at home, but restaurants, grocery stores and travelling are still only nominally tolerable. The corridor of wheat (a.k.a. AIsle Six) at the local Met Food brings out near panic for me – so while I am breathing into a bag in the grocery store, Sam cheerfully tosses food into the cart conscientiously asking “Is this gluten-free?” about each item. We have made all of the appropriate adjustments to our pantry, met with nutritionists, and armed ourselves with knowledge (and cookbooks), but truthfully, Jon and I are both still really pissed off.
Management: Phase Out of the Amber Waves
The last few months have encouraged me to question whether wheat is a product that even needs to be replaced. This iconic crop is in everything - it appears on our currency and in our national anthem. It is inextricably connected to our economy and environment and it is a staple of the American diet. Living a wheat-free existence, despite the growth of the “gluten-free movement,” is a real cultural departure in this country. While I harbor serious affection for many gluten containing foods, from a nutrition perspective I think I am OK with phasing it out. Maize and rice share the stage with wheat as the key crops that feed the planet and this new diet has really forced us to examine the pros and cons of each of these. There are many available options, but for a price.
Financial Results of the Quarter:
Replacing regular products with gluten-free alternatives comes at a serious premium. The costs aren’t double – they are actually about four to six times as expensive. A 50lb bag of wheat flour costs approximately $15. The same amount of a comparable gluten-free flour ranges from $66 for certified oat flour to over $200 for sprouted brown rice flour. That cost is carried over into every product. Despite this, in our quest to continue feeding our children healthy food that they will eat, we have swallowed the $3 / per frozen organic gluten-free chicken nugget cost and made some changes in our house.
Our Sunday tradition of pancakes, waffles
or muffins is still going strong thanks to Pamela’s Mixes (pictured above), Bob’s Red Mill and the Gluten Free Pantry. Breakfast cereal (EnviroKids, Chex, Barbara’s) and oatmeal (GlutenFreeda and Bob’s Red Mill) were easy replacements. For me, the widely available rice (Tinkyada) pasta and my preferred corn pasta (rustichella d’abruzzo or Bi Alimenta from Italy) don’t really cut it, but the kids like it (and I don’t mind that they eat less of it than they used to). Our other major replacement staple is Applegate Farms and Bell & Evans gluten-free chicken nuggets. In the category of sweets, there are an abundance of products: the KinnikKinnick chocolate donuts are our favorites. Sam compared them to the famous Downyflake donut shop in Nantucket which is as good of a donut endorsement as I can imagine. Other standouts include Jules’ organic ice cream sandwiches, anything from My Dad’s Cookies, and Namaste brownies. To my surprise, the Betty Crocker white cake mix is really good for cupcakes, but I am always seeking out new additions and I recently learned that Stonewall Kitchen has an entire gluten-free baking line. I received my first shipment of chocolate chunk cookie mix, Vanilla cupcake, and Chocolate Brownie mix today. There is no need to give up ice cream cones as the Edward and Sons gluten-free sugar cones are perfect.
Oh Dough!
Unfortunately, Sam isn't a fan of certain types of rice flour that are in many of the gluten-free dough based products. We tried making pizza at home several times without much success. With the first batch, Talia took one bite and said, “Mommy, this is NOT my taste.” It wasn’t my taste either. Risotteria, a wonderful gluten-free restaurant in Greenwich Village, sells a dough mix which we bought, but haven’t yet tried so hopefully that will yield a good result. We are fortunate to have a few pizza places locally in Brooklyn (BenCotto’s and Front Street Pizza), but I also found a company called Still Riding Pizza that will ship their dough to your local pizza parlor and come educate them about how to safely prepare it.
Bread is very difficult to replicate. Gluten-free bread just doesn’t have that springiness… that pliability…that GLUTEN that makes it so elastic and good. I did find one type of bread that I would eat voluntarily called Food for All, made up in Ulster County using chick pea flour (The people who make it run the wonderful gluten-free Soul Dog Restaurant in Poughkepsie). It's not sold in the City yet so for now, Udi’s is passable if you toast it and is available in many stores. Canyon bakehouse is great for hamburger buns and seven grain bread, but is not as widely available. Forget bagels – a gluten-free bagel is just a waste of carbs, but if you really must then Glutino and Udi's both have a product. I should mention that many of the replacement products have more carbs and calories than the wheat based equivalent so they aren’t always the best choices from a diabetes perspective.
The net issue with replacing any or all of these products is really more about the loss of experiences than about nutrition. The loss of spontaneity when it comes to food is a drag and I lament that Sam will always have to think ahead before he leaves the house. Especially when travelling I always loved happening upon local food. The first time Jon and I went to Paris, we worked up an appetite on a long walk up to Sacré Coeur in Montmartre. When we got to the village centre, a street artist (recognizing us for the novice tourists we were) made a cutout of our silhouettes while we grabbed some baguettes with ham and butter and ate them on a bench. The smell and taste of that bread is so ingrained in my memory. There is nothing better than a warm loaf of French bread. I don’t even want to think about that ham and butter on a piece of bread made from rice, chickpeas or tapioca.
List of Material Events for the Quarter: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Eternal Passover (without the matzo)According to Jewish tradition, on the days leading up to Passover families rid their homes of all traces of Chametz or leavening that is fermented in the following five grains – wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and oats. After our first trip to the Celiac Clinic at Columbia University, that is just what we did - we went home and turned our pantry inside out to remove any food that contained those five grains from our possession. The nutritionist recommended that we purchase a new toaster and replace our colanders for fear of contamination, but we felt that was overboard and that we could adequately clean the kitchenware and use foil in the toaster going forward. We wanted our house to be a place where Sam never had to ask if something was gluten-free and so far we have been able to uphold that standard.
Leaving the house is something else entirely. The extra bag we usually pack for diabetes supplies now has a companion bag filled with gluten-free food and alternative flours (see below).
Our first attempt at travel was for Thanksgiving. My sister-in-law, Eleonore, is a gracious host and wonderful cook and was supportive of the complex dietary needs of our group (vegetarian, diabetic, gluten-free). She prepared buckwheat crepes (there is no gluten in buckwheat despite the name) for the kids as a hors d’oeuvre replacing the blini’s we used to make in years past and was open to using our substitute flours. In addition to the traditional menu, we had a fantastic gluten-free Swiss chard and sweet potato gratin, gluten-free cornbread stuffing, and Jon baked several gluten-free pies (see below).
For Hanukah, we used a flour free potato latke recipe that we found online (from the Beverly Hills Hotel) with great success. Christmas dinner included a vegetarian gluten-free pot pie and homemade chocolate pudding (both adapted from the Barefoot Contessa Parties! book). We adapted Jon’s Nana’s sugar cookie recipe (top photo)to make Christmas cookies, but we skipped making our annual gingerbread house, sweet rolls, and the Bûche de Noël from gluten-free baking burn-out. We also had what we are calling the Christmas miracle: Sam tried Salmon and loved it - opening up a whole new world of protein based meals to us.
Our cooking success continued with a phenomenal gluten-free soufflé on New Year’s Eve and the piece d’ resistance: Talia’s 4th birthday tea party. The girls had gluten-free scones, marzipan and tea sandwiches filled with Nutella, American cheese, PB&J, and cucumber on Udi’s bread. The menu also included a heart shaped gluten-free cake with crown candles. For Sam’s superhero rock climbing party the following week we ordered gluten-free pizza to be delivered to the gym where the kids were flying across zip lines and scaling the walls. The pizza wasn’t a hit with the kids. One of the parents overheard Sam say, “I don’t like the pizza either, but I know I should eat it so I don’t get low and plus my mom got it for me.” He also had a gluten-free chocolate SuperSam cake.
Despite all this effort, we still make mistakes. I mindlessly added beer into the chili I was making during the football play-offs. As soon as I did it, I realized my mistake and felt compelled to get in my car and get new ingredients to make a separate pot of chili for Sam. I was extremely upset with myself, but I just hadn’t thought of beer as containing gluten because it’s not a food that I generally associate with Sam. Sam didn’t end up eating the chili anyway, but I was glad that I made it for him.
There is no way we can permanently protect him from the psychology of denial. He has to eat a different snack at school and celebrations are a challenge, but many people have shown us great kindness in trying to include him. Sam was so excited for the Chinese New Year celebration at his school because he remembered the dumplings from last year. Unfortunately, the dumplings were not gluten-free, but one of the parents made an alternative dish for him. My sister-in-law, Michelle made the top layer of her daughter’s birthday cake gluten-free. At another party, they ordered grilled chicken just for him. When Sam goes to a birthday party now, we make gluten-free cupcakes and bring them along.
Restaurants are touch and go. They are either accommodating or disastrous. We had a birthday celebration for my mom at the Depuy Canal House in High Falls, NY. When I couldn’t find a single thing on the menu that didn’t contain wheat, I asked the chef to cook pasta that we brought from home. They made a beautiful sauce for the kids and served it with a plate of fruit and cheese. In another restaurant, the chef made Sam French onion soup without the bread (but with the cheese). Lilly and Lou's on East 61st Street has an excellent gluten-free chinese menu. To see Sam eat dumplings again was a joy. We also discovered that the "Best Chocolate Cake in the World" located in DUMBO is also gluten-free and they ship anywhere. These are the good stories, but I have a few bad ones too, including a restaurant that adds flour to their rice, restaurants that advertise that they are gluten-free (only to get there and see one crumbly cookie as the big gluten-free item)and the lodge at the ski mountain that only offered battered foods, pizza and baked goods. At the mountain, my kids ate clementines and yogurt out of our bag while all the other kids were eating cookies as big as their heads. I understand the convenience of the “children’s menu” but I really think that it does a great disservice to the health and palate of our kids. Having children eat only hot dogs, pizza, chicken nuggets or pasta in restaurants is not good thing –whether a child has diabetes and celiac like Sam or not.
Accomplishments of the Quarter:
We have all drastically changed the way we eat and we are trying to come to some level of acceptance. The high point: Sam, gracious and accepting as ever, asking me why Talia can’t have a muffin at a bakery “I mean it’s not like she has Celiac.” The low point: Watching Sam walk up to a proprietor of baked goods at a farmers market and asking, “Is any of this gluten-free” and then having him re-assure her that it was OK after she offered up a pity-filled apology. I guess the point of both of those anecdotes is that I believe Sam has adjusted well. At his first visit to the endocrinologist after a few months on the gluten-free diet he grew an inch and gained four pounds so we are lucky that he was diagnosed before he had any significant damage to his body. Future prospects are good… as long as I continue to carry my paper bag to the grocery store.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
When I arrived home tonight I found a familiar package waiting—one we receive every three months. As I opened this package I was immediately struck by a recent labeling change to its contents. A white, padded, insulated envelope now said, in white letters inside an orange circle,
I was immediately taken aback—how to read this? Is it missing critical punctuation, so that I might read it, “IMPORTANT—INSULIN ENCLOSED,” or, as written, “IMPORTANT INSULIN ENCLOSED.” Is it important that there is insulin enclosed, or is the insulin enclosed important?
In 91 years we’ve advanced to a world where this life-sustaining hormone arrives at our door every three months. In a contemplative mood, I examined the package a bit more. “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE” is a common warning, but means so much more in this context. “REFRIGERATE IMMEDIATELY” wouldn’t have been possible in 1919, nor would “UPS NEXT DAY AIR.” This package was addressed to “SAMUEL DICKINSON, C/O FATHER JONATHAN DICKINSON.” I know this means the package is for Sam, to be cared for by me, but I could only read it one way—“Samuel Dickinson is in the care of his father, Jonathan Dickinson.” It’s incredible that in less than a century we’ve transitioned from diabetes being a terminal illness to where Sam’s life is possible due to something that arrives in a cooler bag by next day air. It is essential. It is, to many, a miracle. It is, quite simply, important.